no more acne look perfect


Feeling good about yourself is really important and life-changing. Benzoyl Peroxide & Salicylic Acid both proved to be the most effective acne treatment ingredients in combination with soothing natural extracts to unclog pores and kill acne bacteria fast while preventing dryness and irritation. Concerned to help your skin reduce mild to moderate acne and prevent future breakouts..

DIY Home Remedies for Attractive Skin

Easy Herbal Solutions

Aloe Vera (Sabila) - is a completely non-allergenic and non-toxic detoxicant that speeds up the healing of injured tissue and surfaces. It has no side effects, the most common problem of present time synthetic drugs. Aloe's properties have 5 principal functions: antiseptic, antibiotic, coagulating agent, pain inhibitor, growth stimulator for both external and internal cells. Aloe Vera is used externally to treat a number of skin irritations and good for natural acne treatment. Read more ...

Burdock root (Arctium lappa) - is a thistled plant native to the Northern USA, Europe and Asia. The roots and leaves of this plant have been used for centuries as a remedy against skin cancer, acne, eczema, and other skin ailments and diseases. It is mildly antibiotic and can help restore smoothness to the skin. Read more ...

Cayenne (Capsicum Fructescens) - the hot and spicy taste of cayenne pepper is primarily due to an ingredient known as capsaicin which when applied topically to the skin can relieve pain and itching by acting on sensory nerves. This same dulling property can reduce itching and inflammation associated with psoriasis. Cayenne functions as a carrier agent that can stimulate and assist the movement of the other ingredients to the sebaceous glands and pores of the skin. Read more ...

Dandelion root (Taraxacum offcinale) - is a common meadow herb of the Asteraceae or sunflower family that has general detoxifying qualities, making it effective in the treatment of skin blemishes and papules treatment. Dandelion root plant contains much that is beneficial to our bodies: bitter compounds, choline, inulin, minerals such as calcium, sodium, silicic acid, sulfur, and a high concentration of potassium and in the fresh leaves. In skin care and cosmetics, it helps clear up acne, eczema, and other skin eruptions. Read more ...

Yellow Dock root (Rumex crispus) - is a general systemic toner, when combined with sarsaparilla, provides a treatment for chronic skin disorders. Yellow dock active ingredients such as the astringent tannis and the antimicrobial properties of the purgative anthraquinones combine to make decoctions of the plant useful in treating skin diseases such as psoriasis eczema, and acne, as well as skin rashes. Read more ...

Sarsaparilla root (Smiilax offcinalls) - is a perennial trailing vine with prickly stems indigenous to tropical America and the West Indies. Sarsaparilla root generally classified as a blood purifier, combined with yellow dock helps correct chronic skin ailments, especially psoriasis. Individuals suffering from psoriasis have been found to have high levels of endotoxins (cell wall fragments of normal gut bacteria) circulating in the bloodstream. Sarsaponin, one of sarsaparilla's main steroids was found to bind to these endotoxins and remove them, thus relieving the afflicted person from psoriasis. Other health conditions associated with high endotoxin levels include eczema, arthritis, and ulcerative colitis, and can be alleviated also with the use of sarsaparilla.

Purple Coneflower (Echinacea Purpurea) - acts as a stimulant to the immune system by increasing the production of specific types of white blood cells and strengthening human cell walls so bacteria and viruses have a harder time getting into cells. Using this herb can protect one against inflammatory conditions of the skin. Purple Coneflower is taken orally to enhance immune system response and to lessen the duration and symptoms of colds and flu. When applied to the skin, they can relieve conditions such as eczema, insect bites, acne, pimples and psoriasis. Purple Coneflower can also inhibit bacteria and the formation of pus.

Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense) - used to expel toxins from the bloodstream. Red clover is prized for being an effective treatment of skin problems because of its high dosage of vitamin B-complex. In home remedies, fresh red clover flowers have been chopped or mashed and applied directly to skin inflammations such as insect bites. More recently, creams, lotions, or ointments containing red clover extract have been under observation for treating psoriasis, ezema, acne and other skin conditions.

Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glaba) - the ingestion of licorice in the proper quantities reduces inflammation and redness of the skin. It has also been used in poultices for treatment of dermatitis and skin infections. Licorice is used in combination with other cleansing and healing herbs as an emollient also used a cosmetic skin lightener.

Easy Home Recipes for Clear Skin for Every Day

  • 1 tablespoon yeast, 1 tbsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. water. Mix together ingredients and apply on face allowing it to sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.
  • 1 egg, a tablespoon of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of honey. Mix this together thoroughly with a fork and apply sparingly to the skin. Allow this to dry and then wipe off with a warm washcloth.
  • 1 tbsp. of gram flour, 1/4 tsp. orange peel powder, 1 tbsp. beaten yogurt, 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix ingredients well and apply paste on your face and neck allowing it to dry. Rinse with warm running water first then cold water.
  • Slices of cucumbers applied to the eyes refresh and relieve puffiness and they are great cleansers when sliced and rubbed over your face. The same holds true for slices of fresh tomatoes.
  • You will need one-fourth tsp. of limejuice stir to mix with one tsp. of milk and cucumber juice. Apply on the face and neck and wash off after 14 minutes. This cleanses and purifies pores of skin.
  • Make a paste by mixing papaya, honey, milk and milk powder. Apply on the face and let sit for a few minutes then wash off.
  • You will need 1/2 tsp of rose water mixed with 1 tsp of honey. Gently apply to the face. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes, then wash off with tepid water. Honey moisturizes and soothes dry skin, and is gentle enough for daily use.

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