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Feeling good about yourself is really important and life-changing. Salicylic acid has been used for centuries as a natural BHA that works by penetrating deep into the skin, unclogging pores, and therefore renewing your skin. It can greatly help reduce mild acne while working to prevent future breakouts.

Dog's Acne Treatment

Canine Acne

Canine Acne can be quite unattractive and usually show up at the time your dog enters puberty around 5 to 8 months old. Starting as small oily black plugs acne gradually progress to itchy red bumps, affecting the area around the lips or chin. Canine acne may also occur in dog’s genitals and groin. Frequently, dog’s condition gets better by itself without any special acne treatment cream near the time dogs reach 1 year of age.


Acne in dogs, as in humans, may have various causes, such as stress, trauma, genetics, hormonal changes and food allergies. Apart from those reasons plastic feeding bowls may also be one of the main causes of acne in dogs. Bowls become dirty and collect bacteria in cracks and scratches, if not regularly cleaned, which easily transferred to your dog, while feeding.


Red raised bumps and blackheads (comedomes), whiteheads or other colored pimples affect the area around the lips, chins and muzzles of dogs. Dogs may rub their face against carpet and furniture. Sometimes, they can become infected and filled with pus, causing your pup to seek relief by scratching her face against things like the beige dining room rug or your favorite recliner, leaving an unsightly stain. Bacterial infection may also occur in affected follicles, leading to whiteheads, or pimples that contain pus.

Common Acne Treatment

Like with your own face, it's important to wash regularly. For a pet, even a once-a-week wipe-down with a warm, wet washcloth can make a difference. Depending on the cause of your dog’s acne, your veterinarian may recommend a change of diet, removing any materials that may continue to cause irritation. They also might recommend changing your pet’s bowls from plastic to metal or porcelain, and cleaning them daily.

Generally, a topical treatment is used to treat dog's acne. Some are similar to the ones people use, like Exposed, Clearpores or benzoyl peroxide, but at a lower concentrations. The skin on the chin and lips of dogs is thin and sensitive. Therefore, if benzoyl peroxide is prescribed, it is much weaker dosage than that used for people.

Squeezing the pimples on your dog may be painful, cause the infection and lead to additional acne or worsening the situation.

Usually veterinarian prescribes a canine-specific acne treatment that is safe for your dog, however, there is a number of home remedies for treating dog’s acne.

Home Remedies & Topical medications:

  • Daily hygiene procedures with a washcloth can be extremely helpful in reducing acne.
  • Holding a warm washcloth to the area for a few minutes helps to open up the clogged pores that may be causing the acne.
  • Pet-safe soap can be used for treating and reducing acne.
  • Food & water bowls should be washed and dried thoroughly on a regular basis.
  • Dog’s Shampoo applied twice a week together with topical medication containing benzoyl peroxide.
  • Benzoyl peroxide gel applied topically.
  • Antibiotics applied topically to limit infection.
  • Steroids applied topically to decrease swelling and inflammation.
  • Pills (including antibiotics) in severe acne cases. These will usually be given twice daily over a considerable length of time.

Relative topics:

Acne in dogs, feline acne, red bumps, lip bumps, chin bumps, zits, pimples chin pyoderma, puppy dermatitis, muzzle folliculitis and furunculosis.

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